Tuesday Jun 24, 2014
What Would Jesus Tweet: #anger
Tuesday Jun 24, 2014
Tuesday Jun 24, 2014
E-mail had its time in the limelight. Myspace came and went. Facebook is still alive and kicking but Twitter has changed the way we communicate, and it seems as though we have a love/hate relationship with it. While Twitter can be defined as ‘a short burst of inconsequential information,’ Jack Dorsey, the founder of Twitter says, “one could change the world with 140 characters.” Regardless of how many people follow you, who you follow or how many tweets you contribute to 140,000,000 tweets sent daily, it’s difficult to deny Twitter’s impact on our society.
But Jesus didn’t have an iPhone. He didn’t communicate in short hand. He said what He wanted to say in complete sentences and (gasp!) without even logging on. Join us over the next several weeks as we walk through the Sermon On The Mount to gain some prospective on Jesus' counter-cultural, counter-intuitive living for today…or is it 2day?
Monday Jun 16, 2014
What Would Jesus Tweet: #LawFulfilled
Monday Jun 16, 2014
Monday Jun 16, 2014
E-mail had its time in the limelight. Myspace came and went. Facebook is still alive and kicking but Twitter has changed the way we communicate, and it seems as though we have a love/hate relationship with it. While Twitter can be defined as ‘a short burst of inconsequential information,’ Jack Dorsey, the founder of Twitter says, “one could change the world with 140 characters.” Regardless of how many people follow you, who you follow or how many tweets you contribute to 140,000,000 tweets sent daily, it’s difficult to deny Twitter’s impact on our society.
But Jesus didn’t have an iPhone. He didn’t communicate in short hand. He said what He wanted to say in complete sentences and (gasp!) without even logging on. Joins us over the next several weeks as we walk through the Sermon On The Mount to gain some prospective on Jesus' counter-cultural, counter-intuitive living for today…or is it 2day?
Tuesday Jun 10, 2014
What Would Jesus Tweet: #SaltandLight
Tuesday Jun 10, 2014
Tuesday Jun 10, 2014
E-mail had its time in the limelight. Myspace came and went. Facebook is still alive and kicking but Twitter has changed the way we communicate, and it seems as though we have a love/hate relationship with it. While Twitter can be defined as ‘a short burst of inconsequential information,’ Jack Dorsey, the founder of Twitter says, “one could change the world with 140 characters.” Regardless of how many people follow you, who you follow or how many tweets you contribute to 140,000,000 tweets sent daily, it’s difficult to deny Twitter’s impact on our society.
But Jesus didn’t have an iPhone. He didn’t communicate in short hand. He said what He wanted to say in complete sentences and (gasp!) without even logging on. Joins us over the next several weeks as we walk through the Sermon On The Mount to gain some prospective on Jesus' counter-cultural, counter-intuitive living for today…or is it 2day?
Wednesday Jun 04, 2014
What Would Jesus Tweet: #beatitudes
Wednesday Jun 04, 2014
Wednesday Jun 04, 2014
E-mail had its time in the limelight. Myspace came and went. Facebook is still alive and kicking but Twitter has changed the way we communicate, and it seems as though we have a love/hate relationship with it. While Twitter can be defined as ‘a short burst of inconsequential information,’ Jack Dorsey, the founder of Twitter says, “one could change the world with 140 characters.” Regardless of how many people follow you, who you follow or how many tweets you contribute to 140,000,000 tweets sent daily, it’s difficult to deny Twitter’s impact on our society.
But Jesus didn’t have an iPhone. He didn’t communicate in short hand. He said what He wanted to say in complete sentences and (gasp!) without even logging on. Join us over the next several weeks as we walk through the Sermon On The Mount to gain some prospective on Jesus' counter-cultural, counter-intuitive living for today…or is it 2day?
Monday May 26, 2014
Spirit of Adoption - Warfare and Intercession
Monday May 26, 2014
Monday May 26, 2014
The month of May is foster care awareness month. During this time we are join to try to wrap our minds around the biblical doctrine of adoption. Scripture chooses to refer to Father God’s spiritual children as adopted. This powerful description says something to us, both about our identity and our mission. As those who have been brought into the blessings of God’s family, our hearts can’t rest knowing that there are so many yet fatherless. Open your heart in this series to find deeper passion and greater compassion.
Friday May 23, 2014
Spirit of Adoption - Initiative
Friday May 23, 2014
Friday May 23, 2014
The month of May is foster care awareness month. During this time we are join to try to wrap our minds around the biblical doctrine of adoption. Scripture chooses to refer to Father God’s spiritual children as adopted. This powerful description says something to us, both about our identity and our mission. As those who have been brought into the blessings of God’s family, our hearts can’t rest knowing that there are so many yet fatherless. Open your heart in this series to find deeper passion and greater compassion.
Tuesday May 13, 2014
Spirit of Adoption - Inheritance
Tuesday May 13, 2014
Tuesday May 13, 2014
The month of May is foster care awareness month. During this time we are join to try to wrap our minds around the biblical doctrine of adoption. Scripture chooses to refer to Father God’s spiritual children as adopted. This powerful description says something to us, both about our identity and our mission. As those who have been brought into the blessings of God’s family, our hearts can’t rest knowing that there are so many yet fatherless. Open your heart in this series to find deeper passion and greater compassion.
Monday May 05, 2014
Spirit of Adoption - Orphan Spirit
Monday May 05, 2014
Monday May 05, 2014
The month of May is foster care awareness month. During this time we are join to try to wrap our minds around the biblical doctrine of adoption. Scripture chooses to refer to Father God’s spiritual children as adopted. This powerful description says something to us, both about our identity and our mission. As those who have been brought into the blessings of God’s family, our hearts can’t rest knowing that there are so many yet fatherless. Open your heart in this series to find deeper passion and greater compassion.
Tuesday Apr 29, 2014
Loving Our Neighbors - Love2020
Tuesday Apr 29, 2014
Tuesday Apr 29, 2014
Loving Our Neighbors
As followers of Jesus, we are called to make disciples. Most of us won't be in full time ministry, but God still calls us to minister where we are. Jesus tells us that the second greatest commandment is to love our neighbor like we love our self. That means our ministry field is our sphere of influence, our neighborhood our schools and workplace. But where do we start.
This week we learn a simple tool or process that will give you tracks to run on when it come to loving those that God has placed in your life. You will also leave with a challenge to get the ball rolling.
Wednesday Apr 23, 2014
It Is Finished - Easter 2014
Wednesday Apr 23, 2014
Wednesday Apr 23, 2014
As we celebrate the risen Christ we want to take a look at why His resurrection matters. If He didn’t accomplish all that He did on this earth, the resurrection would be of little significance. Journey with us we explore what He meant by “It Is Finished”.